No, dogs should not eat processed cheese since it is high in fat and sodium. The high fat content in processed cheese can cause digestive issues and health conditions like obesity and pancreatitis in the long run. The sodium in the cheese can increase the risk of sodium toxicity in dogs.

Caution: This food is generally considered risky by the veterinary community. Dogs should not eat this food and should be monitored for adverse effects.
Food Safety | Should not be added to diet due to nutritional issues |
Nutritional Issues | High in fat and sodium. Contains lactose |
Potential Risks | Obesity, pancreatitis, allergic reaction in lactose intolerant dogs, sodium toxicity |
Symptoms | Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, increased thirst, frequent urination |
How Much Processed Cheese is Bad for Dogs?
Processed cheese, like any other human food, is not a natural part of a dog’s diet and should be given as an occasional treat. While small amounts of processed cheese are unlikely to cause any harm, consuming large amounts of processed cheese can be dangerous for dogs. If you do give processed cheese to your dog as a treat, ensure that it does not exceed 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake.
What Makes Processed Cheese Unsafe for Dogs?
Processed cheese is high in sodium and fat, both of which can be harmful to dogs in significant amounts. Food high in fat can cause conditions like pancreatitis and also cause digestive issues. Foods with a significant amount of sodium can be toxic to dogs and cause salt poisoning.
What to do if Your Dog is Sick from Eating Processed Cheese?
If your dog is sick from eating processed cheese, contact your local veterinarian immediately since sodium toxicity can be a serious, life-threatening issue for dogs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dogs can eat cheese sticks, but they do not provide any nutritional value and therefore, they should be avoided.
Cheddar cheese slices are highly processed, therefore, they should not be fed to dogs except as an occasional treat.