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Yes, dogs can safely eat flour in moderation. However, the nutritional benefits depend on the kind that is given to dogs. Unrefined whole-wheat flour may contain more fiber, vitamin E, manganese, copper, and antioxidants.

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Safe: This food is generally considered safe by the veterinary community. Dogs can eat this food sometimes or in small amounts but contains little to no nutritional value.

Food Safety Safe to eat in moderation
Nutritional Value High in fiber, Vitamin B1, Iron and phosphate
Potential Risks Rapid weight gain and potential digestive issues if overeaten
Every dog is different. For specific feeding guidelines, including quantities and beneficial foods that are best for your dog, please consult your vet.

How Much Flour is Safe for Dogs?

A small amount of flour used as an ingredient in dog treats is safe to eat. Since dogs do not necessarily need to consume flour, there is no recommended amount of flour you should give to dogs. However, if you use suitable flour types such as whole grain or buckwheat, it can be added to treats as a binding ingredient. Flour is a source of carbohydrates and fiber which give your dog energy and keep its digestive system functioning properly. It also provides Vitamin B1, Iron, and phosphate which can support overall health. However, overeating flour can lead to rapid weight gain and obesity in the long run. Obesity can lead to multiple health issues such as cardiovascular problems, diabetes, etc. Eating too much flour in one serving can lead to gastrointestinal issues for your dog and can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Are Some Types of Flour Better Than Others?

Flour is not toxic to dogs, however, it is also not a type of food that dogs necessarily need to eat. Many commercial dog treat brands use flour as an ingredient in dog food since it is a binding agent and can help provide dogs with energy. If you want to use flour in homemade dog treats, it is best to stick to unrefined and unprocessed flours as they retain the nutritional benefits of the grain. Bleached all-purpose flour is processed to be more versatile for all types of baking but has less protein and nutritional value as a result. Theses are some healthier types of flour, which are all deemed safe for pups:

  • Unbleached whole wheat flour
  • Chickpea flour
  • Coconut flour
  • Brown rice flour
  • Buckwheat flour
  • Oat flour

What To Do if Your Dog Eats Flour

If your dog ate a small amount of flour used as an ingredient in a dog treat or other safe food, they should be fine. However, if your dog got into a bag of flour and ate large amounts, you should contact your veterinarian immediately for instructions on what to do next.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • White flour is safe for dogs to eat but it does not provide any nutritional value to them. Therefore, it is best to avoid giving dogs white flour.

  • A small amount of flour used in dog treats is safe for dogs. We suggest using unrefined whole-wheat flour for your treat to be healthier.

photo of vet holding a pup
About the Writer
Dr. Hillary Wolfe , Veterinarian & Certified Food Therapist

Dr. Wolfe holds a doctorate in veterinary medicine from Kansas State University and holds nutrition certifications from the NAVC and CIVT. Her business, Tula Veterinary Nutrition, hosts online courses that teach owners how to cook for their pet for optimal health and longevity. Follow her on Instagram at @doctorwolfe.dvm for dog nutrition tips, recipes and insights.